When i intend to write some emerged feel in my heart. I look at a glance in other web blog that contains meaningful advice for me. It's like a guidance from Allah to me by reading that article. Thanks Allah, you're the only one that always help and give an awareness of bad deeds. Of course, i can take a conclusion from this incident.

Allah made us as a perfect creature and that's the point of case. We're created with a great and unimaginable way and processes. Subhanallah, i have a heart. Allah give us a greatest form of organ. I can feel something with this preferential thing. When i face some trouble, the sadness come. Otherwise, while we get or receive good news or other pleasure condition, automatically the glad feel will appear/emerge. This is the other exceptional thing from the case.

In scientific theory, espesically biology. Maybe we've ever heard about chemical substance occured in this kind of process or other research & opinion regarding to this case. . .

And i've just known now that writing is not as an easy as i think before. Revealing our own impression is a such difficult .